About Us

Shawn Taylor and Ginger Taylor established DrillBit Roughnecks Baseball, a non-profit organization for love of the game and to give back to the community. They live by a quote that hits home for them, “it is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done them better the credit belongs to the man who is ACTUALLY IN THE ARENA whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood who strives VALIANTYLY” - Teddy Roosevelt. That is what being a DrillBit Roughneck is about. 

Shawn and Ginger were fortunate to have a place to make their dream, as well as youth in and around the community come true. They have built two fields, and recently added a large building for batting cages.  There are still many more improvements to be made to make DrillBit Roughnecks Baseball an exemplary facility to promote maturity through learning the game of baseball and training by teaching all their players what DRILLBIT stands for: 

Drive  ·  Respect  ·  Inspire  ·  Loyalty  ·  Leadership  ·  Brotherhood  ·  Integrity  ·  Team


14100 Adams Lane

Pinehurst, Texas 77362